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Do you have periodontitis and your teeth are loose? Are you worried because you do not know what the treatment is for periodontitis? Today there are specific methods for treating periodontitis and saving your teeth, even if they are loose …


How periodontitis comes about

Periodontitis, more commonly called pyorrhoea, is a disease that arises when bacterial plaque deposits at the gum line, favouring the onset of a periodontal pocket, meaning a space where bacteria accumulate.

In such cases, normal cleaning with a toothbrush is no longer enough, seeing that the brush cannot reach the bacteria, and so a set of techniques described further on are used.

Why is it called periodontitis? Because it affects the periodontium, meaning the tooth’s support structure, which consists of the bone, the ligament around the root of the tooth and the gum. What are the symptoms? In the initial phase of development it causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In a more advance phase it can lead to loss of bone and ligament, as well as recession of the gums, causing the teeth to appear longer. In the most advanced stage, teeth become increasingly unstable, to the point where they fall out by themselves. It is very important, therefore, to treat the disease.


Techniques for treating periodontitis 

Periodontitis can be treated! Normal cleaning with a toothbrush is not enough to remove the accumulated bacterial plaque from the periodontal pockets, nor is professional cleaning of the teeth sufficient. Instead special techniques are called for.

If the pockets are very deep, in excess of 5 mm, then a periodontal operation is required, meaning a surgical procedure to remove the bacteria from the bottoms of the pockets by making an incision in the gums.

This technique eliminates the pockets and gives the teeth renewed stability, in any cases even if the teeth were already loose and seemed on the verge of falling out.

Otherwise the therapy best suited to treating periodontitis is gingival curettage, meaning removal of the soft tissue from the periodontal pocket by scraping the gingival wall.



It is very important to be aware of the onset of periodontitis, in order to be able to deal with it and treat it as effectively as possible, without losing any teeth.

The disease can be detected with a specific examination that measures the depths of the pockets with a probe, together with digital panoramic exam.

After the surgical treatment has been performed, periodic check-ups are required to keep the disease from returning, and particular care must be taken with oral hygiene, seeing that prevention is always the best medicine.

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