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Oral hygiene

bad breath thumb
Oral hygiene

How to fight bad breath

Do you have bad breath but you cannot understand why? You observe good oral hygiene, but the bad breath stays with you? You should know that bad breath can have…
22 June 2016
best toothpaste thumb
Oral hygiene

The best toothpaste

You would like to improve your oral hygiene, and so you are looking for the best toothpaste? If so you should know that the key to good oral hygiene is…
22 June 2016
toothbrush thumb
Oral hygiene

The toothbrush

 Is your toothbrush be too stiff? Do you brush your teeth a number of times each day, but you still cannot manage to get them properly cleaned? Do you not…
22 June 2016
proper oral hygiene thumb
Oral hygiene

Proper oral hygiene

Do you have some cavities? Are your gum swollen? Would you like to improve your oral hygiene, to avoid such problems in the future? Remember: proper oral hygiene allows you…
22 June 2016

Solo nel Mese della Prevenzione. 12 Denti Fissi Arcata Completa Tutto Incluso: Estrazioni, Ricostruzione Ossea, Denti Provvisori e Definitivi su Impianti o Denti Naturali.Massimo 4.900€ CLICCA QUI