Do you often experience bleeding or gum pain? Do you have infections or swelling that frequently recur? If so, you might have periodontal pockets. The following article explains how periodontal pockets form, how they manifest, and provides some tips on how to treat them.
What Are Periodontal Pockets?
The periodontium, which is the support structure of the tooth, is made up of bone, gums, and the periodontal ligament that surrounds the tooth. Between the tooth and the gum, there is a small space called the gingival sulcus.
Bacterial plaque that accumulates in this sulcus, if not removed, can deepen it, leading to the formation of periodontal pockets.
In short, periodontal pockets are spaces that form between the gum and the inner surface of the tooth, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to settle and multiply undisturbed. This is why maintaining good oral hygiene to remove plaque from the sulcus is essential to avoid this threat.
Pockets and Periodontitis
Periodontitis is a disease that affects the periodontium. Over time, it destroys the tooth’s supporting elements: the bone, the periodontal ligament, and the gum start to recede. As a result, the sulcus between the tooth and the gum deepens, and periodontal pockets form.
If they exceed 6 mm in depth (Klocke A., Guided Tissue Regeneration in Intraosseous Alveolar Bone Defects Using a Doxycycline-Containing Barrier and Autogenous Bone Graft, 2007, University of Münster), periodontal surgery is required to eliminate the bacteria at the bottom of these pockets.
If the depth is less than 6 mm, gingival curettage is used. With curettage, tartar and bacteria just below the gum are removed using a special instrument that scrapes the surface of the tooth.
At Freesmile, if the pockets are very deep, we also prefer to resort to periodontal surgery. This treatment can eliminate the disease. During the first free visit, we perform a specific examination to measure the depth of the pockets. Based on this evaluation, our doctors will recommend the appropriate therapy.