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What is it?

Defining gum periodontitis

gum periodontitis

gum periodontitis

Gum Periodontitis: Gum periodontitis is a complex medical issue. This pathology is characterised by inflammation and damage to the supportive tissues of the teeth, collectively known as the periodontium. These tissues encompass not only the gum tissue but also the alveolar bone and the periodontal ligament, crucial for preserving the stability and well-being of the teeth. Periodontitis represents an advanced stage of a preceding issue termed gingivitis, marked by gum inflammation commonly triggered by inadequate oral hygiene.

While gingivitis is a superficial inflammation, periodontitis penetrates deeper, affecting the bone and ligaments supporting the teeth (periodontal ligaments). This condition can result in various severe dental issues such as gum bleeding, inflammation, deep pocket formation, bone loss around the teeth, and, in severe instances, tooth mobility and loss. Timely treatment of periodontitis is vital to halt disease progression and safeguard long-term dental health. Maintaining proper daily oral hygiene practices and scheduling regular dental check-ups are crucial for effectively preventing and managing periodontitis.


Gum Periodontitis: Recognising Its Symptoms

Gum periodontitis is a multifactorial process that can go along with a broad spectrum of symptoms, varying considerably in severity and manifestation of the disease. Some of the most common symptoms include:


gum periodontitis

gum periodontitis

1. Inflamed Gums: Gums may appear red, swollen, and tender to the touch. In some cases, they may also feel warm.
2. Gum bleeding: Gums may bleed while brushing teeth, flossing, or consuming hard foods.
3. Gums may Retract, exposing the tooth’s roots. This can cause sensitivity of your tooth and increase the risk of root decay.
4. Bad Taste or Breath in your Mouth: Inflammation and the accumulation of bacteria, particularly anaerobic ones, in the gum pockets can result in bad breath and also an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
5. Formation of Deep Gum Pockets: Gum pockets can develop when the gums separate from the teeth, forming deep spaces where bacteria can gather and harm surrounding tissues.
6. Bone Loss Around the Teeth: The advancement of periodontitis may result in the deterioration of alveolar bone surrounding the teeth, jeopardising their stability and heightening the likelihood of tooth loss.

Symptoms can vary from person to person and are influenced by various factors, including overall health, lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and individual response to infection. A compromised immune system or serious medical conditions may lead to more severe symptoms compared to those in good general health. Furthermore, lifestyle factors such as diet and smoking can impact the severity and advancement of periodontitis. Daily oral hygiene is the cornerstone of maintaining healthy gums and periodontal tissues.

It’s essential to highlight the importance of consulting a dentist if gum periodontitis is suspected. Only a dental professional can offer an accurate evaluation of the condition and suggest suitable treatment. Timely intervention is crucial to halt the advancement of the disease and maintain the long-term health of the gums and teeth. Ignoring symptoms or delaying proper care could result in severe complications, such as tooth loss or permanent damage to gum and bone tissues.
Remember that periodontitis can be treated and managed, especially if detected and treated early. With proper treatment and diligent oral hygiene, it’s possible to stop the disease’s progression and preserve gum and dental health over time. Therefore, we recommend to schedule regular dental check-ups and follow your dentist’s instructions to ensure the effective management of periodontitis and the maintenance of oral health.


The treatment and therapy to undergo

gum periodontitis

gum periodontitis

The treatment for gum periodontitis depends on the severity of the condition and any accompanying complications. However, treatments could involve non-surgical or surgical therapies or a combination of both designed to stop the disease’s progression, restore gum and bone tissue health, and prevent tooth loss. Here’s an overview of treatment options:
Non-surgical therapy:
Professional dental therapies such as scaling and root planing aim to reduce bacteria below the gum line by eliminating rough surfaces where bacteria can accumulate.
The removal of plaque and tartar eliminates bacterial flora above the gum line.
In some cases, antibiotics may be necessary, and your dentist will describe them to help control infection and reduce inflammation.

Surgical therapy:
Periodontal surgery: In more severe cases of periodontitis, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair or reconstruct damaged tissues.
In FreeSmile, we also rebuild the bone to stabilise your teeth. This may involve periodontal pocket surgery to remove bacteria and regenerate bone and gum tissue or grafting to cover exposed roots.

Tooth realignment: Sometimes, the dentist may suggest tooth realignment to enhance cleaning access and reduce plaque and tartar buildup.

Oral hygiene and home care:
Oral hygiene instruction: The dentist or hygienist will provide detailed guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, including the correct technique for brushing teeth, flossing, and using other interdental cleaning tools.

Follow-up appointments: Regular follow-up visits with the dentist are essential to monitor treatment progress and ensure that the disease is effectively managed.
Treating periodontitis requires close cooperation between the patient, the dentist, and the dental hygienist. Adhering diligently to the instructions provided by the professionals and maintaining good oral hygiene practices at home are crucial for the success of treatment and for preserving the long-term health of both gums and teeth.



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