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Have you lost some teeth and want to replace them? Have you heard of osseointegration and implantology, but the cost is too high? How long does a dental implant last? If you are looking for dentists who carry out high-quality implant procedures at reasonable prices, you have come to the right place. Read the article to get a better idea of exactly what is involved in the osseointegration procedure.

What is implantology?

It is the branch of dentistry that regards the application of dental implants. Implantology is used to replace teeth lost due to trauma, disease or hereditary problems

A dental implant consists of an artificial root that is inserted in the jawbone to serve as a support for a fixed prosthesis. Once in place, a crown or a bridge is installed on the implant.


Dental implantology is a complex technique that calls for a high degree of precision, seeing that the outside element inserted in the bone must then achieve perfect integration with the bone itself (in what is referred to as “osseointegration”, a term coined in the late 1960’s by Dr. Branemark, a professor at the Institute of Applied Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden). Perfect osseointegration calls for professionalism, precision, quality materials and sterility throughout the operation.

Implantology is an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth, but it is not always possible, seeing that it can only be used in cases where there is sufficient bone to insert the implants. But even when there is not enough bone, there is still a solution: dental bone regeneration, meaning reconstruction of the bone. Once the bone has been regenerated, then osseointegration can take place.

Materials for osseointegration

Dental implants are made from pure titanium or from a titanium alloy. This metal is lightweight and it resists corrosion. One very important characteristic of titanium is that it establishes a direct connection with the bone, without prompting the reactions that a foreign body normally would.

Failure of osseointegration

There can be a number of reasons why an implant fails to integrate with the bone, meaning that osseointegration does not take place: inadequate hygiene during the operation; lack of experience on the part of the surgeon; low quality materials. These factors can cause the bone to swell around the implant, which will not be perfectly integrated with the bone. Such cases are referred to as failed dental implantology procedures.

How long does a dental implant last?

Missing teeth can cause a series of problems. Above all else, they undermine the chewing function, but they can also have a negative effect on the quality of our lives and on our self-confidence. The implant approach makes it possible to restore teeth on a permanent basis. But how long does a dental implant last? If all the important steps cited above are taken, and adequate oral hygiene is maintained, then an implant can even last for a number of decades.

Who can undergo implantology? 

Almost anyone can have implants inserted, though general conditions of health and the amount of bone available must always be evaluated. Even if there is not enough bone, a solution exits: dental bone regeneration.
