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Affidati a noi per un trattamento dentale e personalizzato, supportato dall’intelligenza artificiale. Compila il modulo per fissare un appuntamento e scopri come possiamo garantirti un sorriso sano e duraturo con le nostre tecnologie avanzate.

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Dental implantology

Dental implantology

What Are Dental Prostheses?

Dental Prosthesis Dental prostheses are vital solutions for addressing tooth loss. Despite diligent oral and dental care, various issues can arise that lead to significant problems such as tooth loss.…
15 August 2024
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Dental implantology

Cost of dental implants

You have lost some teeth and you wish to replace them through implantology, but without spending a lot? You are looking for a dental practice that installs low-cost dental implants?…
22 June 2016
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Dental implantology

Risks of dental implants

Have you decided to replace your missing teeth, but you would like to know more about dental implantology and its risks? Are you looking for a highly respected, professional dental…
22 June 2016

Solo nel Mese della Prevenzione. 12 Denti Fissi Arcata Completa Tutto Incluso: Estrazioni, Ricostruzione Ossea, Denti Provvisori e Definitivi su Impianti o Denti Naturali.Massimo 4.900€ CLICCA QUI