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Affidati a noi per un trattamento dentale e personalizzato, supportato dall’intelligenza artificiale. Compila il modulo per fissare un appuntamento e scopri come possiamo garantirti un sorriso sano e duraturo con le nostre tecnologie avanzate.

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What is a dental implant?
It is an artificial root in titanium, implanted in the maxillary or mandibular bone, with a support function for capsules or fixed bridges.

Is advanced age a problem?
Dental implants can be placed in practically all people in normal health conditions, regardless of their age.

What are the advantages of implants compared to dental bridges?
The implant represents an artificial root that integrates into the bone (osseointegration), therefore it becomes an integral part of our body. This is why chewing with the implant is more stable than with a dental bridge. Furthermore, by inserting the implant it is not necessary to file the natural teeth.

Will the new teeth have the same look as natural teeth?
Yes, thanks to modern materials, Freesmile fixed bridges have a very similar appearanc to natural teeth.

How long does it take to place a dental implant?
It depends on the complexity of the operation: a few minutes can be enough for a single implant up to a few hours to place multiple implants.

Is the implant treatment painful?
No, the pain can be totally removed by local anesthesia.

How do you take care of dental implants?
The implants must be cleansed with great care. Implant-supported bridges must be brushed like natural teeth, with a toothbrush and toothpaste and particular care should be paid to contact areas between implants and gums. The implant itself does not require any care, because it is inserted inside the bone and it is therefore invisible.

What is maxyllary sinus lift?
It is an operation that is carried out when there is not enough bone to insert implants in the posterior area of ​​the maxilla. With the maxillary sinus lift technique, the necessary amount of bone is created to be able to insert an implant.

Which patients can undergo implantology surgery? And who is it not recommended for?
Practically almost all people can resort to implants, but evaluating the general health conditions and the availability of bone is mandatory.
It is not recommended for people with specific pathologies such as serious heart disease and decompensated diabetes. Furthermore, to patients who do not want to give up post-operative smoking by quitting for 20 days and patients who are not able to maintain adequate oral hygiene after the insertion of the implants.

If bone regeneration is to be performed, will the operation be complicated?
If there is not enough bone, the implants cannot be placed. In these cases, bone regeneration can be used, i.e. the reconstruction of the bone before inserting the implants. In these cases the implant surgery becomes complicated because you have to resort to another surgical treatment to increase the bone and wait a certain period of time before inserting the implants. In most cases at Freesmile we are able to perform bone reconstruction and implant opening in a single operation.

Should I not have a prosthesis after the operation?
No, in almost all cases it is possible to have an immediate temporary prosthesis.

How long does prosthetic work based on implants last?
It depends on the quality of the intervention, the type of implant inserted and correct daily oral hygiene fundamental. If you maintain proper cleaning, they can last a lifetime.

With which materials can the prosthesis on implants be made?
At Freesmile we use titanium implants, a material that has two great advantages: high resistance and biocompatibility. Prosthetic crowns and bridges (Toronto), however, are made in metal-ceramic, zirconium-ceramic or composite.

Are dental implants detected by metal detectors?
No, because the implants, being made of titanium, are not magnetic, therefore they are not reported by these types of measurements.

Can you be allergic to implants?
No, our implants are made of titanium, a material that has no allergenic components.

Is total or local anesthesia necessary to apply the implants?
At FreeSmile we can totally eliminate pain with total anesthesia

What material are crowns made of? 
To obtain better aesthetics and greater resistance at FreeSmile we use zirconium-ceramics.

Is the sensation transmitted by teeth supported by implants different from that transmitted by natural teeth?
No, the teeth supported by osseointegrated implants transmit a completely natural sensation to the mouth, there is no discomfort when speaking, laughing and eating.

How much do the implants cost?
The cost mainly depends on the quality of the service and materials. When accepting a service, you must first find out about its quality and guarantees and not be influenced only by the price. To have safe and stable implants, made with high quality materials, inserted by a competent surgeon in a sterile room, you can spend between €800 and €2,500.

How do you clean teeth supported by implants?
Teeth on implants can be easily cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Particularly important, however, is cleaning the interdental spaces and the area underneath the prosthetic crown, where food residues and bacteria quickly settle and accumulate. To clean these areas well, the use of dental floss and Superfloss is recommended.

Can implantology be performed in case of diabetes?
Yes, if diabetes is compensated, in patients who carefully monitor their pathology and oral hygiene. In cases of patients with decompensated diabetes, each situation must be evaluated individually, since the possibility of failure is higher.

Can I feel pain after implant surgery?
In the first few days it is possible to feel pain because the gum will still be sensitive. Your cheek may also temporarily swell. In most cases, however, these discomforts disappear the day after the operation. . In the case of major operations, the swelling can last a few days.

What to do once you return home?
In the hours following the procedure, you must keep your cheek cold with ice to reduce swelling and follow the dentist’s instructions.

Is it better to sit or lie down after the operation?
It is better to remain seated because when you are lying down the blood pressure in your head can rise.

What can I eat after surgery?
You must eat non-hot, soft foods and avoid chewing in the area of ​​the operation.

Can you drink coffee after surgery?
In the days following the operation, it would be preferable to avoid coffee because it could hinder the healing of the wound and promote bleeding. Coca Cola, black tea, alcohol and nicotine could also be harmful.

When can you start brushing your teeth again?
You can brush your teeth the day after the operation, paying attention to the wound. We recommend using a soft toothbrush and avoiding electric toothbrushes and water flossers.

After the effect of the anesthesia wears off, do you feel pain?
The pain may be felt, but can be controlled by taking painkillers prescribed by the Freesmile dentist.

Is the wound very sensitive?
Sensitivity normally decreases day by day. To avoid irritation or inflammation, do not touch the wounds with your tongue or fingers.

Can the wound bleed even after stitching?
Immediately after the operation, some slight bleeding may occur. If after hours or days the wound starts bleeding again, contact your dentist immediately.

When are stitches removed?
Usually the stitches are removed 7-10 days after surgery.

What should you do with your new teeth?
Generally, “new teeth”, which replace missing ones, require the same care as natural teeth. You need to brush them well with a toothbrush and toothpaste 2-3 times a day, clean the interdental spaces well at least once a day. Furthermore, in the case of implant-supported bridges it is essential to clean thoroughly underneath the bridges.

How do I proceed after the stitches are removed?
To have the safest result, it is necessary to wait for the biological times for the osseointegration of the implant before applying the fixed prosthesis. After 3-6 months, an impression is taken and the Freesmile fixed bridge is then created and applied.

Is the healing screw annoying?
Generally it is not, most patients get used to it quickly.



Must the removable prosthesis always be worn?
The mobile prosthesis should be worn as much as possible during the day, but it is important to wash it well in the evening. It can also be removed so that the gums and mucous membranes can “rest” from the chewing stress suffered.

Which foods are inadvisable for a removable denture wearer?
It is usually advisable to avoid “pasty” foods that can stick to the prosthesis and cause abnormal stress. It is also preferable to avoid tearing food with your teeth.

Can food get between dentures and gums?
Even if the prosthesis is made well and is molded to the patient’s edentulous arches, it is still possible that food can infiltrate.

How do you clean dentures after using an insoluble adhesive?
First, remove all the glue from your mouth and dentures, then clean the dentures well with the toothbrush and toothpaste.

How should denture cleaning be managed?
Dentures should be cleaned every day with a toothbrush and toothpaste until there is no longer any trace of dirt. After meals, rinse it under running water to remove food remains.

What happens if the hygiene of the mucous membranes and prostheses is not carried out correctly?
Bacteria, plaque and tartar also nest on dentures. It is therefore necessary to clean them every day to avoid inflammation of the mucous membranes and to protect the remaining teeth from tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. Furthermore, dentures that are not cleaned well take on an unpleasant appearance over time.

What are your tips for eating with full dentures?
Avoid foods that are too hard and sticky which can stick to the complete denture (denture) and release it from the arches.

How long a day do I need to wear dentures?
During the day it should be worn as much as possible, at night at the patient’s choice.

When the prosthesis does not stay still, what should be done?
You can try a relining: the prosthesis must be readjusted to the mucous membranes which change over time due to the resorption of the bone and gum. But to have a stable prosthesis over time we recommend the insertion of implants.

Can denture adhesives help?
Usually yes, but it is important to pay close attention to the choice of adhesive. The adhesive can increase the stability between the mucosa and the prosthesis, but it cannot create perfect stability.

Solo nel Mese della Prevenzione. 12 Denti Fissi Arcata Completa Tutto Incluso: Estrazioni, Ricostruzione Ossea, Denti Provvisori e Definitivi su Impianti o Denti Naturali.Massimo 4.900€ CLICCA QUI