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Affidati a noi per un trattamento dentale e personalizzato, supportato dall’intelligenza artificiale. Compila il modulo per fissare un appuntamento e scopri come possiamo garantirti un sorriso sano e duraturo con le nostre tecnologie avanzate.

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questioni generali

Will I feel pain during the surgery?
Before carrying out the operation, the only discomfort is given by the anesthesia, it is mostly a sensation similar to a mosquito pinch when the needle enters and of pressure when the needle is injected. ‘anesthetic. This discomfort can vary in intensity from individual to individual. The pain during and after the treatment, however, depends on the extent of the procedure itself and can still be alleviated with painkillers prescribed by the Freesmile dentist. The surgery itself is painless.

When does the effect of anesthesia end?
The effect of anesthesia tends to disappear approximately two hours after the injection, but can last even longer, depending on the dose injected and the type of anesthetic used.

Do I necessarily have to have anesthesia?
Anesthesia is done to relieve pain and discomfort during surgery, so giving anesthesia depends on the level of invasiveness of the treatment. However, in most cases it is advisable to do so.

Will the cheek swell after the treatment?
It depends on the intervention. After any surgery or treatment, you may experience pain and swelling in the treated area. To overcome the inconvenience it is possible to implement a post-surgical therapy which must be prescribed by your Freesmile dentist.

How long does the treatment last?
The duration of a therapy varies, but generally we try not to have sessions that are too long so as not to tire the patient excessively.

How many times will I have to return to finish the treatment?
The frequency of sessions depends on the treatment plan. At Freesmile we try to keep the number of appointments to a minimum.

How much does a treatment plan cost?
Our clinic tries to find the most advantageous economic plan for the patient, listening to their needs and requirements. Before starting treatment, Freesmile provides each patient with an economic plan.

After treatment, do I have to take antibiotics?
The antibiotic should only be taken in cases where there is a risk of infection. If it is a surgery it is likely that you will need to take antibiotics, however, in the case of a less invasive treatment such as a cavity, there is usually no need.

Can a compromised tooth be saved?
Modern dentistry, thanks to the use of advanced materials and equipment and the refinement of operating techniques, allows us to recover teeth that, until a few decades ago, were considered “lost”. It is also true that in some cases, extraction is necessary, also to avoid further damage to the mouth. However, missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants and other types of fixed prosthetics.

How often should I have professional teeth cleaning?
It depends on the patient. Generally speaking, it is advisable to perform tartar removal every six months, but in patients with gum disease, professional cleaning sessions should be more frequent.

Is it bad to have professional teeth cleaning too often?
If the patient does not have gum problems, it is useless to have the teeth cleaned more than twice a year so as not to put unnecessary stress on the gums and enamel.

Is it normal for teeth to move?
Very slight tooth mobility is physiological but invisible, so it is normal for it to be present, but when there are inflamed gums (red, painful and bleeding) and teeth that move perceptibly, it is necessary to intervene and treat the gums.

Why are you dentists so “expensive”?
Dentists are called “expensive” because the running costs and equipment used in a dental clinic are expensive. Then it also depends on the duration and complexity of the clinical treatment to be carried out and on the professionalism and competence of the doctor. To guarantee maximum quality it is necessary to make significant investments both in equipment and materials and in the professional quality of skills. Freesmile is able to offer quality treatments at affordable prices thanks to an effective organization and the discounts obtained from its suppliers based on the high number of patients.

Do I necessarily have to get stitches after the extraction?
Generally, after a tooth extraction, a few stitches are applied to limit bleeding, infections and bone loss as much as possible.

Are the post and the implant the same thing?
No, they are not the same thing. A metal post is a pin fixed in the root, on which the reconstruction of the tooth is carried out, following a root canal treatment. The implant is an artificial root that replaces the root of the tooth, on which the fixed prosthesis is normally anchored.

Can I eat after anesthesia?
It would be best to avoid eating while the anesthesia is under effect, to avoid involuntary biting of the tongue, lips and cheeks.

Can I align my teeth without wearing fixed braces?
Yes, with a new orthodontic technique it is possible to align the teeth by applying, instead of a real orthodontic appliance, transparent aligners which must be changed periodically. This technique, however, has a major limitation: it is not suitable for everyone.

Why are my gums bleeding?
In most cases, we find ourselves in the presence of a strong bacterial load due to the accumulation of plaque. Gum bleeding is also a peculiar symptom of periodontal disease (periodontitis), a degenerative disease that can have serious consequences. It can cause tooth loss and infections and even endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart, which can lead to death.

What is Superfloss, what are the differences with dental floss?
Dental floss is a thread that cleans the spaces between the teeth that the toothbrush cannot reach. If used correctly, consistently, it offers the concrete possibility of removing plaque. Superfloss, on the other hand, is a special thread used in cleaning fixed dentures. Unlike normal thread, it is made up of different parts, each with a specific function:
– a rigid tip thats helps with insertion;
– a spongy part that helps catching food residues and bacterial plaque;
– a normal thread to complete the cleansing.

I have yellow teeth, how can I improve my smile?

There are two possibilities:

  1. professional whitening with a limited duration;
  2. ceramic veneers (Veneers) that do not change color over time.

What are the home remedies for tooth pain if I can’t go to the dentist?
Always try to contact your dentist, in order to explain the characteristics of your problem, to avoid taking the wrong or useless medicines. Then follow his instructions.

What does using your toothbrush incorrectly mean?
It is very important to use your toothbrush correctly. Incorrect brushing can cause even serious damage to the gums such as lesions and gingival recession and to the teeth such as enamel erosion and alteration of the collar. Watch our video.

I have gums that tend to “rise up” exposing my teeth, what could be the cause?
It can simply depend on incorrect brushing or on an infection such as periodontitis, a disease that causes the destruction of the tooth’s support system. In any case we recommend a visit to your dentist

Is it true that amalgam is dangerous or toxic?
Amalgam contains mercury which is why the World Health Organization does not recommend its use for children and pregnant women. In Italy amalgam is considered a toxic waste, which is why we at Freesmile do not use it.

What does extracting a tooth and not inserting a bridge or crown entail?
In addition to a purely aesthetic aspect, not replacing a missing tooth over time can create various kinds of problems. The neighboring teeth, in fact, tend to move to fill the empty space that has been created and the underlying bone tends to resorb due to the lack of pressure stimuli linked to chewing. Ultimately this can also create severe pain in the jaw joint.

Should wisdom teeth always be extracted?
No, they should only be extracted when they hurt, when they are at risk of infection or when they tend to move the other teeth.

If a wisdom tooth is extracted, can it be put back?
No, this is normally not necessary.

Solo nel Mese della Prevenzione. 12 Denti Fissi Arcata Completa Tutto Incluso: Estrazioni, Ricostruzione Ossea, Denti Provvisori e Definitivi su Impianti o Denti Naturali.Massimo 4.900€ CLICCA QUI