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Affidati a noi per un trattamento dentale e personalizzato, supportato dall’intelligenza artificiale. Compila il modulo per fissare un appuntamento e scopri come possiamo garantirti un sorriso sano e duraturo con le nostre tecnologie avanzate.

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We all know the importance of having a beautiful smile. Each of us would like to show our teeth without the fear of feeling uncomfortable. A beautiful smile makes us feel more confident, seduces and when we talk to others, it leaves a pleasant memory of us.

But what makes our smile beautiful?

The secret is in the aesthetic harmony that makes us feel better, helping us to rediscover our well-being. Here at Freesmile we help you smile without worries, advising you on the treatment that’s right for you.

Finally you can say goodbye to teeth with permanent stains, enamel defects, irregularly shaped teeth, abrasions or unsightly spaces. Here at Freesmile a team of experts will follow you in all the steps towards realizing your dream. Very thin ceramic veneers will be able to mask those imperfections of shape, position and color that embarrass you so much. For us who do this job with passion, there is no greater satisfaction than seeing the joy in our patients when they return to having a brilliant smile.

The search for perfection is in our DNA. If you too are a lover of beauty and just can’t stand the imperfection of your smile, we have the right solution for you. Freesmile Dental Veneers can correct most problems of discolouration, space, size, malposition or fracture of the front teeth, improving the aesthetics of your smile.

After having studied the physiognomy of your face and mouth, Freesmile dentists will instruct our laboratories to create these very thin ceramic plates which will be positioned on the surface of the teeth to be corrected and fixed with a very resistant and long-lasting adhesive technique. in time. In 1993, Dr. Michael Schmitz was the first to import ceramic Veneers, known to us as Dental Veneers, directly from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry in Italy. Trust in his experience, his team will be able to give you the smile you have always wanted.

Solo nel Mese della Prevenzione. 12 Denti Fissi Arcata Completa Tutto Incluso: Estrazioni, Ricostruzione Ossea, Denti Provvisori e Definitivi su Impianti o Denti Naturali.Massimo 4.900€ CLICCA QUI