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Appointment Details


Affidati a noi per un trattamento dentale e personalizzato, supportato dall’intelligenza artificiale. Compila il modulo per fissare un appuntamento e scopri come possiamo garantirti un sorriso sano e duraturo con le nostre tecnologie avanzate.

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Last Name:

Appointment Date:

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The orthopanoramic is a complete X-ray of your mouth, and is a fundamental tool in dentistry to evaluate the health of your teeth.

A modern orthopanoramic is fast and precise.

Thanks to it we can examine your problem in detail and plan a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

In Freesmile dental centers you can have a high-resolution orthopanoramic at the time of your first visit. If you are looking for an X-ray center closest to you we can point you to one in the Freesmile network. If you already have an orthopanoramic, you can also send it to us at the link below for an initial consultation.

At Freesmile we always do our best to take care of your smile.