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Affidati a noi per un trattamento dentale e personalizzato, supportato dall’intelligenza artificiale. Compila il modulo per fissare un appuntamento e scopri come possiamo garantirti un sorriso sano e duraturo con le nostre tecnologie avanzate.

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Our patient Aloys, had lost an upper central incisor (1.1) and needed an implant to smile again as before. 3 years after the procedure, he tells us about his experience and how his life has changed. Aloys, in fact, after an online search discovered the dental center Freesmile and decided to undergo the implant surgery.


Aloys prima del trattamento FreeSmile

Aloys before the procedure – missing upper central incisor (1.1)

Aloys dopo il trattamento FreeSmile

Aloys after the procedure – implanted upper central incisor (1.1)

The smile is the expression of our body, of mankind, and it concerns our future with the opportunity to be happy, healthy, and with the awareness of having received a very important and necessary care for all of usM. Aloys