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tooth decay

tooth decay

What can cause tooth decay?

Tooth decay usually manifest with the demineralization of teeth’s enamel, that is when sugars in contact with bacteria, release acids that corrode the enamel. For this reason, a diet with foods high is sugars, associated with an inadequate oral hygiene, can cause caries. If not treated, tooth decay penetrates deeply, reaching the dentin and nerves.

When and why does tooth decay hurt?

When tooth decay penetrates the dentin, the tooth may hurt when exposed to cold, sugary foods. When it reaches the pulp, the pain becomes more intense and continuous because an infection is generated inside the tooth.

Why should tooth decay be treated even when there is no pain? 

To prevent the cavity from spreading further and further, until it reaches the dentin and pulp, irreparably damaging the tooth.

Is it possible to prevent tooth decay?

Yes, through correct oral hygiene and adequate eating habits it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay. In the most at-risk cases, it is also advisable to take fluoride through specific toothpastes and seal the occlusal grooves.

What can be done to properly clean your teeth?

You have to work hard every day at home with your toothbrush and toothpaste. It is important to brush your teeth several times a day and especially in the evening before going to bed, to prevent food residues, in contact with bacteria, from turning into acids, which dissolve the enamel.

Do mouthwashes help prevent tooth decay?

Yes, there are some types of mouthwashes that help prevent and fight tooth decay.

Does  chewing gum help prevent tooth decay?

Yes, xylitol gum is good for dental health; they promote greater salivary secretion which helps in the defense of tooth decay.

What are dental sealants? What are they for?

The grooves between the cusps of the teeth, especially on the molars, are among the areas at greatest risk of tooth decay because the toothbrush can hardly reach them. To reduce the risk of tooth decay, the grooves can be sealed. The sealant is a fluid, opaque or transparent composite, which is made to penetrate the grooves to seal them, avoiding the formation of cavities.

How can we maintain the sealing effect?

The sealant lasts several years and you can reapply it if necessary. In adulthood the risk of tooth decay decreases, so it is no longer necessary to reapply it.

How should you brush your teeth?

And what is preferable to brush them with: classic toothbrush or electric toothbrush?

Brushing your teeth every day is not enough, it is essential to do it correctly. The movement of the toothbrush must be vertical, from the gum towards the tooth, with an inclination of approximately 45°. This promotes the removal of plaque from the gingival sulcus. Brushing must take place on all surfaces of the teeth: internal, external and occlusal.

In this last case the movement must be from back to front. It doesn’t really matter whether the toothbrush is classic or electric, the important thing is to brush your teeth correctly.

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